Book Review: I've Got Your Number

Title: I've Got Your Number
Author: Sophie Kinsella
Publisher: The Dial Press
Year: 2012
Pages: 433
Genre: Romance/Chick-lit
Rating: 3 stars
One sentence summary: Poppy Wyatt uses a borrowed phone to find her lost engagement ring and begins a relationship with the man on the other end.
A full synopsis of this book can be found on Goodreads.
Spoiler Level: Low
“Lover? I don't know. I don't know if she loves me. I don't know if I love her. All I can say is, she's the one I think about. All the time. She's the voice I want to hear. She's the face I hope to see.”
This was a cute fluffy read. I was expecting a little bit more, as Sophie Kinsella is a huge name in the chick-lit genre and her books seem to be pretty popular. While it was an enjoyable read, it didn't really blow me away. When Poppy Wyatt loses her engagement ring and her phone is stolen, she decides to take a phone she finds in a trash bin just in case her ring is found and someone needs to contact her. She begins talking to Sam, who is trying to get the phone back to his company, and a relationship develops between them. This book did have some funny moments that made me smile, and from what I've read from other reviewers, the rom-com style humour is typical of Kinsella's works. The situations Poppy got herself in were ridiculous but entertaining. One of the biggest issues I had was with the relationship between Poppy and Sam. It felt like a friendship the whole time, nothing more. There wasn't much chemistry between the two, except for their texts. Their texts were funny and a little flirtatious, but as soon as they met each other in real life, I felt that they were disconnected. I think that if the author had built up the relationship more through texts and emails and phone calls before they actually met face to face, there would be much more tension and banter. Even though I sensed a growing friendship between the two, they didn't know each other well enough for this to be a great friends to lovers situation, for me anyway. I think the plot itself was a hindrance to the love story as well. There was a large focus on Poppy's issues with her fiancé and his family. I was also surprised by how important the scandal at Sam's company turned out to be. These plot points didn't advance the romance at all, and if they were downplayed the romance could have had more room to develop. As for the individual characters themselves, I wasn't a huge fan. I enjoyed Poppy and her sense of humour, but Sam's characterization was a bit puzzling and most of the side characters aren't good people (from her fiance to even some of her friends). Sam was supposed to be this grumpy, hotshot professional but he let Poppy off with a lot of things she shouldn't have. Even though she completely invades his personal life by snooping through his emails, he only scowls and then lets her keep the phone anyway. I found him a little dull as well if I'm being honest. Overall, this was fun, but didn't get me to feel much for the characters, so romance wise it fell a little flat. However, it was a super quick and easy read if that's what you're looking for.
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